Get on the waitlist NOW to be next in line if spots become available!

Get Access to Our Best Tools, Strategies and Resources For 99% Off!

Right Now You Can Access Over $43,058 Worth of MY

Premium Tools, Programs & Strategies

For A Small Fraction Of The Normal Price!

I’m going to go straight into the deal.

The only reason why you’re seeing this page is because you were invited.

You somehow follow my shenanigans on social media, read my emails, bought my products or have attended my trainings in the past.

I’ve been going back and forth all week about Black Friday…

“Should I do it, or shouldn’t I?” 

Seems like every entrepreneur nowadays has some sort of cool Black Friday special or bonus... 

“I don’t really do the “discount” thing. I’m more of a give-them-loads-of-value kind of guy...

BUT - if I WERE to do a Black Friday deal, I’d give away something HUGE that directly reflects my level of gratitude for each and every one of you...

So here’s the deal. I’m calling it…

The Ultimate Black Friday Deal Super Bundle

OVER 142

Of Our Premium Tools, Programs, and Strategies

Valued At $24,183

OVER 142

Of Our Premium Tools, Programs, and Strategies

Valued At $24,183.00


Working With Me To Launch Your AI-Powered Online Sales Process

Valued at $15,000


Working With Me To Launch Your AI Powered Online Sales Process

Valued at $15,000.00


Get The LIVE Event Plus This Entire Super Bundle Offer

One Payment Of Just $97


Get The LIVE Event Plus This Entire Super Bundle Offer

One Payment Of Just $97

The AI-Powered Sales Process Implementation Week VIRTUAL EVENT!

You'll work with me directly over 3 powerful days to build up your AI-powered sales process. This is an event where participants paid $15,000 to be in my private studio with me… this event will be streamed virtually to you!

I'll not only teach you this breakthrough strategy for selling more courses, coaching and digital offers using AI...

I'm not just going to be your guide on the side; think of me as your coach in the game! I'll dive right in with you, tweaking your messaging, strategizing your ad campaigns, and tackling everything that falls in between. 

Buckle up, because this isn't your average sit-back-and-nod-off kind of deal – we're rolling up our sleeves and getting our hands digitally dirty.  And don't worry about missing a beat – all attendees will get recordings of our sessions, so you can relive the magic (and the learning) anytime.

TOTAL VALUE: $15,000

Included In This Amazing Offer!

SalesProcess AI-Powered SOFTWARE

Introducing SalesProcess: the pioneering platform that's got the entire marketing alphabet covered! From A for Audience to Z for... well, we're still working on a cool 'Z' word, but trust us, everything else is in there.

This is your golden ticket to crafting an online business that's more buzzing than a beehive in spring.

We're talking messaging, funnels, emails, those nifty text reminders that everyone reads, relentless follow-ups, exclusive memberships, savvy pricing strategies, and a product that shines brighter than a diamond in a sunbeam.

Plus, a content strategy so sharp it could slice through internet clutter like a hot knife through butter. And the cherry on top?

You're getting a full 3-month access.


Included In This Amazing Offer!

The Godfather Offer Masterclass

For the first time in the history of histories, I'm pulling back the curtain on

my secret weapon: the "Godfather Offer."

For the first time in the history of histories, I'm pulling back the curtain on my secret weapon: the "Godfather Offer."

This isn't just any offer; it's the kind of offer that would make even the most seasoned market don blink twice. Imagine transforming any product, course, or service into a magnet so powerful, it attracts clients like bees to a honeypot… even in markets more packed than a rush-hour subway. 

We're talking about crafting an offer so compelling, so irresistible, that your prospects would feel like they're missing the deal of a lifetime by saying no.

Get ready to make them an offer they can't refuse…


Included In This Amazing Offer!

High Ticket Sales Process Masterclass

Dive into the world of high ticket sales with our High Ticket Sales Process Masterclass, the crème de la crème for anyone dreaming of attracting and closing high ticket clients.

Imagine a treasure chest, but instead of gold and jewels, it's brimming with my exclusive "plug and play" templates.

Yes, we're talking the whole shebang – landing pages, scripts, calendars, follow ups, pre built automations, and emails that practically write themselves.


Included In This Amazing Offer!

The Proven Presentations Formula

This is the foundation of everything we teach - the required first step for

our clients looking to sell one to many.

The Proven Presentations Formula not only walks you through each and step from choosing a topic, crafting your message, story and close - showing you slide by slide, move by move what to do to sell to the masses.

This also includes done for you slide templates and more!


Included In This Amazing Offer!

FACEBOOK ADS Fast Track & Templates

After spending MILLIONS on ads profitably, we’ve distilled all down into a training.

This isn't just a course; it's your express ticket to launching and scaling your very first paid ads campaign in less time than it takes to binge-watch your favorite TV series.

Yes, we're talking about making ad magic in one day or less.

There's more than just speed here. We're throwing in a buffet of done-for-you advertising templates so delicious, your campaigns will practically eat themselves up. And because we love to spoil you, there's also a tailor-made "day by day" plan, breaking down the exact metrics to hit your success bullseye.

Crave a sneak peek behind the curtain? You got it! Dive into our proven ad copy and funnel templates, and get cozy with "over the shoulder" ads setup tutorials. It's like having a GPS for the world of Facebook ads, minus the annoying "recalculating" voice.


Included In This Amazing Offer!

Table Rush Secrets

Have you ever witnessed a stampede of buyers RACE to the back of the room, order form in hand, practically begging to purchase the product they just learned about? THAT WOULD BE A “TABLE RUSH”.

This is a highly specialized skill that truly differentiates the top 0.1% of marketers with everyone else.

After selling to over 100,000 clients online and offline on the world’s largest stages, we have nailed this technique down to a science!

The techniques revealed here works both online and offline.

Warning: use these techniques responsibly.


Included In This Amazing Offer!


Event Codex REPLAY + Worksheets

You'll get to spend 3 powerful days working with me and my team to launch, sell

out and close high ticket offers using virtual events.

You'll get to spend 3 powerful days working with me and my team to to launch, sell out and close high ticket offers using virtual events.

I’m going to walk you through all 5 steps so you can see EVERYTHING you need to launch and deploy wildly successful, predictably profitable, and extremely FUN virtual events… all from the comfort of your own home, with no fancy tech.

… even if you’ve never thrown one before, are in a tiny niche, or don’t think you can pull this off. 

Can you reveal the best things you know in your area of expertise to a group of 10 people, and charge them just $500 for a seat to attend? (Yep, you can and I’ll make sure of it)

That TINY little group would be a $5,000 weekend.

It’s seriously that easy. After you did that, do you think you’ll eventually have the confidence to maybe do an event of 20 people? (Yep you will)

What if you charged $2,000 this time? That would be a $40,000 weekend!

I don’t know about you, but those who follow my lead make more money off of their weekends and events than most make their entire YEAR slaving away all 5 days of the week.

(And virtual events are a whole heck of a lot more fun and fulfilling, trust me!)

How Would You Like to Take My Last Decade of Experience of Doing THIS:


Imagine doing this from home… no fancy tech, laptop stacked

on top of a bunch of books with a decent mic… while doing it in your underwear!

(if that’s your thing)



to launch virtual events in YOUR business, plus give you ALL the tools you need (already done)… withOUT paying me $50,000 to walk you through everything?


Included In This Amazing Offer!

Omnipresence Machine Masterclass

You’ll get 6 Phase Immersive Training with me, walking you through my complete Omnipresence Machine curriculum to build out marketing assets that will fuel your marketing forever, step by step.


Included In This Amazing Offer!

Other Micro Trainings

That’s IncludEd…

YouTube Ads Script

  • Why YouTube Ads Are The Better Choice To Crush The Long Term Ad Game

  • The ONE Simple Way To Make Audiences Watch Your YouTube Ads Till The End

  • The PROVEN YouTube Ads Framework

$297 VALUE

TikTok Ads

  • The Benefits Of Utilizing TikTok Ads And Why You Should Get Started On It

  • The Simple And Direct Techniques Of Setting Up Your Own TikTok Ads Manager

  • Shooting Your First TikTok Ad And These Game-Changing Techniques To Stand Out From Your Marketplace

  • These 3 Pattern-Interrupts You Need To Get Your Audience Watching Your TikTok Videos Till The Very End

  • How To Set Your Ad Up For Success On TikTok By Leveraging On These Proven Tips

$297 VALUE

Ad Creation System & Processes

  • Discover Proven Methods to Streamline and Automate Your Ad Delivery, While Keeping Your Sanity and Restful Nights Intact

  • Hook Your Audience Till the End with This Shockingly Simple Way to Build Up Your Ads

  • Ditch Your Old and Overcomplicated Ad Frameworks and Stick to This ONE Framework You Will Ever Need to Start Scaling

  • Use Your Audience's Struggles to Your Advantage and Get Them Investing in Your Offer with These Powerful Ad Techniques

  • Deploy Winning Ads with Confidence by Copying These Proven Techniques

$297 VALUE

The 59-Second Ads Framework

  • Discover the Secret Technique for Mastering Effective Ads - Learn How You Can Apply it Too

  • Fill in the Blanks and Watch Your Script Write Itself with this Proven Ad Formula and Big Picture

  • Hook Your Audience and Keep Them Listening Until the End with This Simple Method

  • Entertain and Engage Your Audiences with the "True or False" Method - No More Dry or Boring Ads

  • Build Rapport with Your Audiences Using These Proven Ad Angles - Share Your Story, Change Lives, and Make a Difference

$297 VALUE

KPI and Sales Process Calculator

It's the tool we personally use in-house as well as for our $10,000+ clients to reverse-engineer their daily metrics. 

Want to not just meet but exceed your sales goals? 

This calculator doesn't just crunch numbers; it practically does backflips and somersaults to show you exactly what targets to hit every day. 

It's like having a sales crystal ball, but with more data and fewer mystical fog effects.


1:1 Strategy Call for Exponential Growth

Finally… to top it all off, we will do a one-on-one call with you to build out a 12-month strategy customised to your unique scenario, using the same exponential growth framework we help our $30,000+ clients scale.


TOTAL VALUE: $43,058

Here’s EVERYTHING YOU GET When You Take Advantage Of This Incredible Offer Right Now!

  • Streamed LIVE: AI-Powered Sales Process Implementation Week - ($15,000 Value)

  • SalesProcess AI-Powered Software (3-Month Access) - ($891 Value)

  • The Godfather Offer Masterclass  - ($1,997 Value)

  • High Ticket Sales Process Masterclass - ($9,997 Value)

  • Proven Presentations Formula and Slide Decks - ($997 Value)

  • Facebook Ads Fast Track & Templates - ($3,997 Value)

  • Table Rush Secrets - ($997 Value)

  • Virtual Event Codex Replay & Worksheets - ($3,997 Value)

  • Omnipresence Machine Masterclass - ($3,997 Value)

  • Winning YouTube Ads Scripts - ($297 Value)

  • Goofy TikTok Ads That Work - ($297 Value)

  • Ad Creation Systems & Process - ($297 Value)

  • 59 Second Ads Framework - ($297 Value)

  • KPI & Sales Process Calculators - (PRICELESS)

  • 1:1 Strategy & Exponential Growth Call - (PRICELESS)

TOTAL VALUE: $43,058

Get It All Right Now

ONLY $97!

“Don’t Just Take Our Word For It...

See What Clients, Partners and Students Say About Us...”

Watch How Sterling Griffin Generated a $400k Weekend After Working With Us and Utilising Our System

Watch How Alison Prince Went From Zero to $1.4MM in 6 Months...

Hannes Generating His First $64,000 Month In The Property Investing Niche

Michelle Generating Her First $10,154 Month In Brush Caligraphy Niche

Nicholas Generating $50,000 in 3.5 Weeks Serving Real Estate Agents

And We Have Hundreds More Of Testimonials Like This...

Eileen Wilder Went From Doing her First Event That Did $92k (with only 14 people...)

... To Speaking At One of The Biggest Stages at Funnel Hacking LIVE Last Year...

Why Top Influencers like Julius Dean Work With Us to Scale and Monetise…

"After training with Peng Joon, I have learned how to monetise my brand, I have greater clarity on what direction I'm heading, and my business has been transformed and multiplied because of Peng Joon."

- Julius Dein

How Tian Yi Scaled to Nearly $2MM in the First Year Working with Us…

“As a direct learning results learning with Peng Joon, I actually created my own online training program, The Iron Mastery and the results was overwhelming! Take it from me, he will definitely change your life.”

- Jordan Yeoh

FACT: Clients Have Paid Over

$1k - $5k for Just ONE Of These Courses…

and Have Generated an ROI 10-100x Over

Sudha Generating Her First $3,988 Targeting Professional Make Up Artists

Ernie Crushing It In the eCom Space in the Mandarin Speaking Market

Esther Generating $3k from Her Relationship Niche

Daniel Closing RM71,973 ($18,000) with

No Ad Spend

Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's why...

I’m doing this for the first 1,000 that takes up on this Black Friday offer, and we sent this offer out to our entire database.

This means that we've got over 2.1 million people seeing this and when these spots are gone... well, they're gone!

If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

Here’s EVERYTHING YOU GET When You Take Advantage Of This Incredible Offer Right Now!

  • Streamed LIVE: AI-Powered Sales Process Implementation Week - ($15,000 Value)

  • SalesProcess AI-Powered Software (3-Month Access) - ($891 Value)

  • The Godfather Offer Masterclass  - ($1,997 Value)

  • High Ticket Sales Process Masterclass - ($9,997 Value)

  • Proven Presentations Formula and Slide Decks - ($997 Value)

  • Facebook Ads Fast Track & Templates - ($3,997 Value)

  • Table Rush Secrets - ($997 Value)

  • Virtual Event Codex Replay & Worksheets - ($3,997 Value)

  • Omnipresence Machine Masterclass - ($3,997 Value)

  • Winning YouTube Ads Scripts - ($297 Value)

  • Goofy TikTok Ads That Work - ($297 Value)

  • Ad Creation Systems & Process - ($297 Value)

  • 59 Second Ads Framework - ($297 Value)

  • KPI & Sales Process Calculators - (PRICELESS)

  • 1:1 Strategy & Exponential Growth Call - (PRICELESS)

TOTAL VALUE: $43,058

Get It All Right Now

ONLY $97!

SalesProcess™ by Peng Joon